In Florida keeping horses has, it's own unique challenges, the very south of Florida is actually sub-tropical, which presents it's own set of problems when it comes to keeping horses. There is a rainy season to contend with, which brings high humidity. Then during the cooler winter months, in some parts, the temperature can get down to freezing! The ground in Naples is sandy, which means it drains fast unless you are in a wetland. But it also means that keeping the ground moist enough to grow good quality grass can be challenging. Not impossible, but you definitely need to prepare before you go out throwing grass seed onto the sand, to watch it being eaten by birds! A sprinkler system will ensure you have an adequate amount of water during the dry season, and by testing the soil you can find out what you need to do to fertilize it adequately. So keeping a nice grass paddock for your horse to graze on is possible, but the grass quality is not the same as some of the northern states, where you can leave your horse out 24 hours a day and not feed grain.
Typically the style in which you keep your horse in Florida depends upon the size of your wallet. Many people have turnouts, which are mainly sand, in which they place large round bales for the horses to munch on during the day, then feed grain, supplements and good hay at mealtimes. Others, keep their horses stabled and only let them out for exercise, which is common practice amongst many equestrians. The other considerations are vast, from what type of riding experience you are looking for, such as dressage, hunter jumper, barrel racing or western pleasure events, to how many horses you have, what type of a barn are you looking for. Or maybe you are just looking for a small ranch near the Picayune Forest so you can go and trail ride easily.There is nothing more I like than helping my equestrian clients. My passion is horses and real estate, so when I am asked about horse properties, I know I am going to enjoy my work even more.