September 2012 RSS Feed

Found 4 blog entries for September 2012.

A hot topic amongst Naples homes owners at the moment is Flood Insurance!  Everyone I have talked to recently seems to be under pressure from their insurance companies,  ever since the last large hurricane to hit Naples, namely Wilma, after which many insurance companies had to pay out a lot of money.  It seems that the insurance companies are making it difficult, especially for those of us that live out in Golden Gate Estates, Naples to get insurance at a reasonable price.  I myself have had to change my insurance company over the last year, and now, I have just been informed that after living here for five years, happy in the knowledge that I live on a piece of land that is high and dry, (a fact proved by having no standing water on my property at any…

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Well everyone want's to know how the housing market is doing right? The price of our homes is a direct reflection of the economy, when the economy is doing well our house prices go up, when it's low they go down.  The good news is that Downing-Frye's pending sales for September 2012 are up 54% over the same time period last year.  Our office just announced that Downing-Frye Realty, Inc will hit ONE BILLION in closed sales to date.    A report from the Naples Area Board of Realtors also made comment on the dwindling inventory in Naples which is driving home prices up!  They also stated that the median closed price on homes increased by 10 percent for the twelve month period ending in August 2012.   The last time inventory was this low in Naples was back in…

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Go Daddy the online suppliers of hosting, email services and much more, has been taken down by a hacker using the twitter name "Anonymous Own3r" who is saying that they have caused the massive outage, that is currently causing major problems for the millions of Go Daddy Customers.  Emails across the country are down.  What I fail to understand, is why anyone would want to cause so much havoc and trouble for millions of people?   Go Daddy is apparently aware of this and trying to fix the problem, but the other question I have is, how on earth can a major company like Go Daddy not have the security to stop this type of thing happening? By Joe Epifanio

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Lely Resort is well known in Naples, not only for its wonderful neighborhoods and unique lifestyles they supply, but also for its wonderful entrance way of the East Tamiami Trail, the horse fountain, which welcomes you when entering Lely, has been featured in many magazine articles, and is probably in a lot of vacationer's snapshots.  Stock Development, the builders responsible for this wonderful development, have a reputation for quality homes, high-quality fitting, with thought given to the layout and style of the individual Lely neighborhoods. 

New construction has just begun at Alden Woods,  this neighborhood already has low-level condos and the new construction will consist of 116 coach homes, with completion scheduled in February 2013.  Stock…

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