April 2017 RSS Feed

Found 1 blog entry for April 2017.

One of the delights of living in Naples is the knowledge that our world renown beach is one of the many nursery beaches of the Loggerhead Sea Turtle. Almost all of the sea turtles that nest in the United States use Florida as a nesting site with only ten percent of turtles using beaches in other states to make their nests.  The Loggerhead is the most common but is still an endangered species, the Green, Leather Back, Hawksbill and Keeps Ridley turtle can also be found on Florida beaches but they are rare with all four classed as threatened species and protected by law. 

Each year between May and August, sea turtles make their journey over the beach hauling themselves across the sand to find a safe place to dig their nests. They lay around 100 eggs…

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