March 2017 RSS Feed

Found 4 blog entries for March 2017.

Moving home is one of the most stressful things we do, it has a huge impact on our well being and our ability to concentrate on normal things.  When you decide to move to a new home, you instantly emerge into a whirlwind of emotions, thoughts, and actions that do not exist in your normal life. 

Actually making the decision in the first place is huge, sometimes the move to Naples is corporate which helps with the stress level.  But for most of us, moving is something we do throughout our lives on our own for various reasons,  from renting our first condo with a group of friends to buying your first home to accommodate a growing family, new jobs, new opportunities.  There is a myriad of reasons for packing up our belongings and starting again in a new…

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As a Realtor having a website is really important, having one that produces leads is even more important.  

For a while now I have been talking to my clients asking not just obvious things such as “where did you get my name?”  or “how did you find us”.  But more trying to find out what made them stay with us to search for their new home in Naples and trying to find out from those who did not, why they left and looked elsewhere.  Most of this research was done with our real estate website in mind. 

Interestingly, color has a lot to do with first impressions, especially on a website, how long they stay on it and on whether or not they will come back. Colors have hidden meaning and provoke thoughts and actions that you may not instantly be aware of.…

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Remember when if you wanted to view a home you would go to the local Real Estate agency and talk to someone behind a desk! (Showing my age here!)  Actually it really was not that long ago. Before the digital age, homes for sale were presented on a paper listing flyer showing a quick overview of what the home had to offer, if you wanted to see the property, then you would pick up your phone, which in all probability was not a mobile one and call the Realtor to make an appointment to go and look.There were no virtual tours, no youtube to take a quick peek inside, no internet to help you with your decision, all you had to rely on was the word of the Realtor and his or her local knowledge.

Using technology to search for real estateHere in Naples Florida, we get a huge amount of retirees most of…

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We are now going into our 3rd month of 2017, last year, predictions were made as to what would happen with a new President 2017.  Certainly down here in Naples there appeared to be somewhat of a slow down in the final months of 2016 in an air of uncertainty.  We now have a new government and overall the promises of our new President are good for sales with restrictions being lifted off businesses.

What is the housing market doing in Naples FlNo doubt that 2016 was a rocky year, it mostly is just before an election, but Zillow stated that home prices increased overall by 4.8 percent in 2016, they further predicted that 2017 home prices would likely increase by 3.6 percent, a little less than 2016 but still on a steady rise since the market of 2006.

Changes in the Real Estate Market in Naples…

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