February 2017 RSS Feed

Found 2 blog entries for February 2017.

If Real Estate is your passion and is also what makes your daily bread, then when my Real Estate Advisors tell me that there is a large number of homes available on the MLS inventory and that sales are slowing down, it makes sense to look more closely at the figures right?

But figures can be elusive, manipulated and pretty much made to say what you want them to say.  So I decided to take another tack, yes it would appear that there is a large number of existing homes on the market for sale. So why are they not selling? I took a look at the latest figures from Collier County, particularly at new construction and new communities. As a town, Naples is growing, anyone driving around would be able to see the huge amount of new construction that is taking…

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I know this is supposed to be a Real Estate blog, in which I should be doing my best to attract clients and show you all how great I am at Real Estate. However, sometimes the people of Naples come together and remind me of why I first wanted to make my home in Naples in the first place.

Naples artist drawing on the blacktopEach year, a wonderful community project takes place, right downtown in Cambier Park.  I had originally gone downtown to view ‘Chalk’ which takes place on the street, right outside my office. The blacktop is covered by chalk pictures, produced by both professional and budding artists of all ages.  After walking the length of 5th Avenue South, I decided to take the back way through the park to avoid the crowds.  That is when I discovered Empty Bowls!

The Empty Bowls…

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