February 2014 RSS Feed

Found 3 blog entries for February 2014.

Ole Art Festival 2014Today the weather was perfect for the Lely Art Festival in Ole, a Mediterranean style community of brightly colored townhouses and casitas. The Art Festival took place along the side of the waterway and fountains close to the town center. Where artists from around the state showed their talents, jewelry, paintings, photography, blown glass, and pottery.  

Potter at Lely ResortWhile shoppers browsed in the Florida sunshine and a band played in the bandstand, there were open houses to be enjoyed.  

I always enjoy Ole, it makes me feel like I am on vacation, even though I only live close by. The secluded narrow streets have an ambiance all of their own, strolling from my uncle's townhouse along the street, surrounded by immaculately kept tropical foliage is always a…

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First and foremost I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Valentines Day.

Valentines day in Naples

I love this day, it's a family orientated fun day, already today I have had numerous strangers wishing me a Happy Valentine’s Day.  It is extraordinary how many people celebrate this day, I personally did not know where it came from, so I went straight to my friend Wikipedia, who always has an answer for everything.  

There are many legends associated with Valentine's day.  One says the Roman Emperor Claudius, executed two men called Valentine.  Another says that Claudius imprisoned Valentine, who from his jail cell fell in love with the daughter of his jailer, he was executed, but not before he sent a love note to the girl signed “from your Valentine".  Another says…

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I have been in the Real Estate business for well over 23 years, I started in Chicago and moved to Florida 15 years ago.  Wow how things have changed, marketing used to be really easy, buy a page in the local newspaper, send out cards and all was well.   In today's modern marketplace, it's not so easy to rise to the top, the internet has totally changed all that.  

If your a website geek, getting your site to the top of the rankings, using great SEO and links is easy, but for me, it has been an uphill climb, one I am still on!  My website RealEstateJoe.com is bringing in great results and lots of leads, but I know better than to rest on my laurels.  In order to get your website noticed it's important to keep working on it, a stagnant site does not do…

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